Monday, March 25, 2013


I'm on this blog building journey, so I may be absent from here for a little while.  Or possibly for a long while?  We shall see

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Focus Groups

So here I sit on the Blue Line, headed to a focus group near O'Hare. If you've never done a focus group, I'd suggest signing up to various companies. They usually pay you about $100 to sit in a room and answer questions with a group of other people regarding a specific topic. I've probably made a good $1000 of more by now doing these. I posted several links below where I've made good money. If you don't live in Chicago, I'm pretty sure most of these have branches in other cities. Just fill out their application and you'll get emails whenever they have upcoming focus groups. (Adler Weiner Research) (Focus Scope) (Fieldwork O'Hare) (Plaza Research)

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Cosby Show

I have no idea why lately I just started watching episodes of the Cosby Show.  Actually, I do know why.  I just installed the YouTube channel on my Nintendo Wii and it's actually the first time I'm actually getting YouTube working on my TV set.  I know most people probably get it working fine and have been doing so for a while, but I never had a full internet connection attached to my TV, and now that the Wii has introduced the YouTube channel, it's cool that I can get full Cosby Show episodes.  Anyway, that's all for now.  

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pizza Hut vs. Dominos

Oh, I'm just sitting here watching a movie on Netflix (newest Mission Impossible), although I'm not fully paying attention as I'm doing work online at the same time.  My friend is eating a sandwich and watching it.  I'm about to go get some pizza and I can't afford the pizza I'd REALLY like to get (here in Chicago that would be Roots or Apart Pizza); anyway, I guess I've got to get something cheap, which -- when I think of cheap, only two pizza chains come to mind.  Pizza Hut and Dominos are the ones I think of.  Which one's better?  I have no idea.  I'll just see which one has a better deal or coupon or whatever.  Until next time.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Birth of a Song

You know, I've seen bands and artists do this in different ways, but I do think that the most common way a song ends up being developed is by having strong music first.  In my own experience at least, a song usually starts with music, created on the guitar or piano (those are my two main instruments), and the vocals sort of come to exist from there.  Most times, I won't even know what the lyrics are going to be about, but depending on whatever melody I start humming along with the music, a simple sentence or phrase will come out of my mouth and not make much sense.  But that simple little phrase or sentence could be the skeleton of the song, which the rest of the lyrics end up being built around.  It's very interesting how music comes to be born.  Also, I tend to be a really dark and emotional songwriter, so usually when I pick up my guitar or start playing on the piano, I'm already in some kind of mode.  It's sort of like a possessed state that I can't snap out of.  So, what happens is I just start making music on an instrument and from there, depending on whatever I'm going through in life, the words will just sort of flow out.  The chorus of the song usually is just some repetitive line that sticks in my head and touches my soul for whatever reason.  It's usually just a few words.  I know that's the description of almost any rock song in existence, but I just figured I'd share my point of view as a songwriter.  I'd love to hear other songwriters and bands' perspectives and how they go about writing songs themselves.

IKEA Closet

It's kind of funny when I think about it. I've had this closet in a box sitting in my entranceway for about 6 years. My mom got it for me from IKEA, but I know myself. I will never actually open it to put it together. Well just a few days ago, my friend came over to help me put it together, which turned out to be a huge help; I mean, I actually have a closet in my room now! Prior to this, I had to walk over to the next room to get clothes from the closet, which was just a pain. I didn't even know I had about 15 to 20 pairs of pants/jeans until yesterday. I don't even know what to do with them. I've got way too many shirts too. It's amazing what clothes are left behind when they're all hiding in a closet. IKEA makes some pretty awesome and cheap furniture btw - well it's not always the greatest quality stuff, but still, it'll do. So anyway, I'm trying to figure out these special Wonder Hangers I got from Amazon. But I also want a nap. But 7pm is too late to nap! Ahhhh!!! Stay awake!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chicago Transit

I just thought to post a blog while riding on the packed Blue Line. It's almost 6pm; yep, that means it's rush hour and the trains are jam packed. I'm actually really surprised I found a seat next to a girl, so I'm able to type comfortably. I do think there's this guy standing next to me who is pissed off that I got the seat before him but you know what? His name wasn't on it. Mine was. Actually, I'm not that big of a jerk; I just saw an open seat and decided to sit down. I get this paranoia when I'm standing and waiting to get to my stop, that someone is gonna secretly unzip my backpack and steal my laptop or iPad. Normally I don't take my laptop with me, but today I had to. As for my iPad, I can't go to class without it. I used to think it was just a toy people would buy because they're just obsessed with anything Apple related but it's a hugely important part of my school life. I take all my notes in it with my stylus in an amazing app called Good Notes. Seriously I couldn't live without that app but I can't go into detail now. I'm almost at my stop. Until next time.