Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Okay, so last night I started watching the 2012 cute teddy bear movie called "Ted", and honestly, I wasn't expecting such a funny film.  The last time I remember a comedy I seriously enjoyed with such clever dialogue and adult humor is "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and that was a long time ago.  "Ted" is a SERIOUSLY raunchy movie, but that's partly what made it so enjoyable.  Who would think a movie about a cuddly teddy bear would go in this direction?  The jokes weren't cheap, but they were still dirty as hell.  There's a lot of pot smoking, sex, and of the funniest jokes comes from a pile of crap a hooker left on the living room floor.  Honestly, I can't give more of a review right now because I only watched about 40 minutes of the movie (had to go to bed early to make it to class today), but I definitely plan on finishing it tonight.  A continuation shall be posted soon :-)

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