Thursday, February 28, 2013

Working From Home

I have to say, I'm enjoying doing work from home and getting paid for it.  It's a venture I've recently embarked on, and although I'm not making a ton of money right now, I can see how people can make a decent income if they put their minds to doing what they need to do from their computers.  I was lucky enough to get hired as a transcriptionist, which I think is pretty cool, but it can also eat away at your brain if you're sitting in front of your computer too long.  I think it's best to break up the work into 2 hour chunks at most.  Transcribing a two hour focus group with not the greatest audio takes a LOT of time and patience listening over and over for inaudible sections of the audio.  Anyway, my brain is fried right now; I should probably get off this computer, but I just thought to randomly post about working from home.  Does this entry even make sense tonight?  Probably not.  Talk soon.

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