Saturday, March 2, 2013

Wicker Park

You know, I'm not a fan of the whole hipster scene; although I live in in the heart of Wicker Park in Chicago, I've never identified with that term.  In fact, Wicker Park is no longer hipsterville as it used to be.  That all moved over to Logan Square.  Now Wicker Park is the new Lincoln Park.  What does that even mean?  Well, this neighborhood has become yuppified.  It's sad to have watched some really cool bars and restaurants that were staples of this neighborhood close down over the years.  I've lived here since 2006.  Sometimes I think about moving to another neighborhood that fits my personality better, but I can't beat the rent that I pay here.  Plus, my band uses my living room as a practice space and studio; nobody complains because I live next door to a school and we practice at night.  Anyway, where am I getting with this?  Not very far.  I have some work to do, so I'll be here again soon.  Until then, have a rockin' Saturday night!

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