Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chicago Transit

I just thought to post a blog while riding on the packed Blue Line. It's almost 6pm; yep, that means it's rush hour and the trains are jam packed. I'm actually really surprised I found a seat next to a girl, so I'm able to type comfortably. I do think there's this guy standing next to me who is pissed off that I got the seat before him but you know what? His name wasn't on it. Mine was. Actually, I'm not that big of a jerk; I just saw an open seat and decided to sit down. I get this paranoia when I'm standing and waiting to get to my stop, that someone is gonna secretly unzip my backpack and steal my laptop or iPad. Normally I don't take my laptop with me, but today I had to. As for my iPad, I can't go to class without it. I used to think it was just a toy people would buy because they're just obsessed with anything Apple related but it's a hugely important part of my school life. I take all my notes in it with my stylus in an amazing app called Good Notes. Seriously I couldn't live without that app but I can't go into detail now. I'm almost at my stop. Until next time.

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