Thursday, March 14, 2013

IKEA Closet

It's kind of funny when I think about it. I've had this closet in a box sitting in my entranceway for about 6 years. My mom got it for me from IKEA, but I know myself. I will never actually open it to put it together. Well just a few days ago, my friend came over to help me put it together, which turned out to be a huge help; I mean, I actually have a closet in my room now! Prior to this, I had to walk over to the next room to get clothes from the closet, which was just a pain. I didn't even know I had about 15 to 20 pairs of pants/jeans until yesterday. I don't even know what to do with them. I've got way too many shirts too. It's amazing what clothes are left behind when they're all hiding in a closet. IKEA makes some pretty awesome and cheap furniture btw - well it's not always the greatest quality stuff, but still, it'll do. So anyway, I'm trying to figure out these special Wonder Hangers I got from Amazon. But I also want a nap. But 7pm is too late to nap! Ahhhh!!! Stay awake!

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