Sunday, March 10, 2013

Testing Out Blogger iPhone App

So I guess this post is simply me testing out my new iPhone Blogger app. I've noticed it in the App Store in the past but I never downloaded it due to its poor reviews. But just a few days ago, I decided to get it anyway; it's free, so why not? Let's see how easy it is to post a pic below this entry. Sometimes, I do feel people have way too high expectations of apps, but if they're free, I don't think complaining a ton is really going to improve the app at all. While I'm on this topic, I'm guessing many app reviews are paid for, so it's biased anyway. It's amazing how we make decisions to buy products on web sites like Amazon based on other people's reviews, when it's quite possible those reviews are paid for and just some kind of promotion for the company. Let me get back to what this blog entry was initially about. It was about this Blogger iPhone app I'm using right now. And guess what? It's pretty nifty in my opinion. I mean, I'm posting an entry here, which is all I wanted to do anyway. Cool beans.

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