Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Migraines are Hell

Seriously, they really ARE some kind of Hell.  I intended to post a blog entry last night, but this migraine started up and today was just complete Hell for me.  I know this blog is brand new and probably isn't getting much readership at this point, if any at all, but I'd just like to know what other people's experiences are with migraines, and what they do to stop them, or at least to prevent them from coming on so strongly.  I at least have learned what my trigger is, but it's really depressing to think about it; my trigger is exercise.  Any form of exercise causes a migraine to start up about an hour afterward, and it lasts for about 24 hours.  I went to the chiropractor today and they did quite a few adjustments on me as well as stuck me with needles (acupuncture), but the pain still lasted all the way up until about half hour ago.  I took some Excederin Migraine.  I don't know what the deal is with those pills, but they did the trick.  I'd go into detail explaining how bad these headaches get, but I'm assuming you already know what this feels like if you get migraines yourself.  Like I said, I know this blog is new and has no readers yet, but if anyone out there does read it, please share your migraine experience and what you do to relieve it.  Thanks!

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