Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Music Industry in 2013

I was just thinking about how cool it is the way the music industry has changed over the past 10 years.  So many people's lives and businesses have flipped upside down due to the simple fact that everything has gone digital.  CD sales are currently at an all time low, record stores are pretty much non-existent; eventually they will go extinct, and record labels don't have the same infrastructure they once did.  It's cool to know that independent artists now have the same opportunity to make it big as major label artists.  One thing I learned recently, which I think is really interesting, is the fact that now the Billboard charts are incorporating YouTube streams into their Billboard Hot 100.  This is going to majorly change the game even further, because if an independent artist makes a really amazing video/song, and it skyrockets in terms of YouTube views, it has the potential break the top 100 Billboard charts, and rank up there with other famous artists/bands.  Speaking of awesome videos, here's a pretty rad one I discovered recently by this Chicago band Pinto and the Bean.  It's just two floating heads doing some random trippy stuff, but I just thought it was incredibly clever and super cool that it was made on an iPhone.  Check it out.

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